The ISDC Annual Scientific Meeting entitled ‘Putting the mouth back in the body’ took place on Thursday 18th of May 2023 in the Midlands Park Hotel Port Laoise. Dr Isabel Olegario, president of the ISDC 2022-2023, welcomed members and gave an opening address. Speakers included Dr Daniela Hesse Assistant Professor in Paediatric Dentistry ACTA Amsterdam, Dr Clarissa Bonifacio Associate Professor in Paediatric Dentistry ACTA Amsterdam, Dr Emma Curtis Consultant Paediatrician The National Children’s Hospital Ireland and Dr Kirsten Fitzgerals Consultant Paediatric Dental Surgeon Children’s Health Crumlin.

Presentations for the O Mullane Prize also took place on the day. This Prize Competition is open to any person or group associated with the provision or organisation of dental care for children in Ireland. Five finalists were selected by the ISDC Scientific Committee; D McGeown, J Quearney, R O’ Donoghue, S Kilgarriff and S O’ Rourke . The winner of the O’Mullane prize was selected by a judging panel based on the abstract and presentation. This year’s winner was S Kilgarriff with her presentation entitled ‘A sinister swelling: Case reports of a paediatric oral carcinoma’. One of the ISDC’s founding members and dedicated supporters Professor O’ Mullane was present again on the day to announce the winner and present the O’Mullane Medal. We would like to extend our gratitude to Prof O’Mullane for his continued support and dedication to the ISDC for over 50 years.

Our members could enjoy a cup of tea or coffee and visit a number of trade stands represented by our generous sponsors. We would like to thank Decare Dental, Safe Food Ireland, Irish Dental Jobs, ASIAM Ireland’s National Autism Charity, Dental Health Foundation, Haleon, Celtic Marketing and GC.
The ISDC AGM was held after the conference. We would like to thank the ISDC committee for 2022-2023 for their hard work throughout the year and welcome our new 2023-2024 committee.